A man in a hard hat and safety glasses installing a solar panel.

The sun’s immense and inexhaustible energy source provides enough power in one hour to meet global energy needs for an entire year. With growing concerns about climate change, pollution, and the finite nature of fossil fuels, solar energy offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative. 

Despite this potential, the journey to effectively harness this power has been filled with scientific inquiry and innovation.  Understanding the history of solar energy is crucial for appreciating the advancements we enjoy today and the visionary scientists whose contributions laid the groundwork for this technology.

Edmond Becquerel and the Photovoltaic Effect

The story of solar energy’s development begins with Edmond Becquerel, a French physicist who, in 1839, discovered the photovoltaic effect—a phenomenon where light is converted into electrical energy. 

At just 19 years old, Becquerel was conducting experiments in his father’s laboratory when he stumbled upon this groundbreaking discovery. His experimental setup involved two metal electrodes, one coated with a light-sensitive solution and submerged in a conductive liquid. When exposed to sunlight, the setup generated a small electric current. 

Becquerel’s groundbreaking discovery demonstrated that sunlight could be converted directly into electrical energy and fundamentally changed our understanding of light and electricity. This experiment was the first step toward the development of modern solar cells and the broader application of solar power. It showed that solar energy was not just a theoretical concept but a practical possibility. 

Becquerel’s Contribution to Solar Energy

Becquerel’s work on the photovoltaic effect laid the foundation for future innovations in solar technology. Although practical applications of his discovery were not realized during his lifetime, Becquerel’s pioneering research paved the way for significant advancements in solar energy technology.

Becquerel’s discovery inspired a wave of curiosity and experimentation among scientists as well as inventors.

In recognition of his contributions, Becquerel is often referred to as the “father of solar energy.” His work has had a lasting impact and influenced generations of scientists as researchers dedicated to advanced solar technology. The photovoltaic effect remains the underlying principle behind all solar panels used today.

Early Developments in Solar Energy

Before Becquerel’s discovery, other scientific advancements hinted at the potential of utilizing solar energy. These early developments, while not directly related to the photovoltaic effect, were crucial in laying the groundwork for later innovations.

In the 17th century, Galileo Galilei invented the lens, an essential tool for concentrating sunlight. Galileo’s work in optics and his invention of the telescope paved the way for future exploration of solar energy applications. Lenses and mirrors becаme fundamental components in devices designed to harness and concentrate solar energy.

In 1767, Horace de Saussure, a Swiss scientist, created the first solar collector, also known as a solar hot box. This device, which trapped heat from the sun, was used to cook food, demonstrating an early practical application of solar energy. De Saussure’s solar collector was a simple yet effective design consisting of a glass covered box that captured and retained heat. This invention showcased the potential of using solar energy for everyday tasks and inspired further experimentation in solar thermal technologies.

These early developments laid the groundwork for later scientific breakthroughs in the field. They demonstrated the practical potential of solar energy, and encouraged further exploration and innovation. While not directly related to the photovoltaic effect, these inventions highlighted the versatility and promise of solar energy.

In 1873, Willoughby Smith, an English electrical engineer, discovered the photoconductive properties of selenium. Smith found that selenium’s electrical conductivity increased when exposed to light. This discovery provided a new material that could be used to convert light into electrical energy.

Building on these findings, in 1884, American inventor Charles Fritts created the first working solar cell. Fritts coated selenium with a thin layer of gold to form a junction, producing a device that could convert sunlight into electricity. Although the efficiency of this early solar cell was very low—about 1%—it demonstrated the potential of solar energy as a viable power source. Fritts’ solar cell was the first practical device capable of converting sunlight directly into electricity, setting the stage for future improvements in solar technology.

Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, research into the photovoltaic effect continued driven by the desіre to find alternative energy sources. Scientists and engineers experimented with various materials and designs to improve the efficiency and practicality of solar cells. These efforts laid the groundwork for the development of modern photovoltaic technology, which would eventually become a cornerstone of renewable energy solutions.

Becquerel’s Legacy and Modern Solar Energy

Modern solar cells have come a long way since Becquerel’s time. Advances in materials science and manufacturing techniques have led to significant improvements in the efficiency and affordability of solar panels. Contemporary solar cells are often made from silicon and can achieve efficiencies of over 20%, making solar power a competitive and viable energy source.


As we honor the remarkable achievements of the father of solar energy, we are reminded of the profound impact his work has had. At JJ PV Solar, we are proud to continue his legacy, offering comprehensive services to harness the power of the sun. From expert solar panel installation and maintenance to custom design and engineering, we are dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to embrace renewable energy. 

JJ PV Solar’s comprehensive services cater to the solar energy needs of residential and industrial customers, offering innovative installations, EPC solutions, pre-feasibility studies, and operation and maintenance services. By providing these services, the company empowers its customers with sustainable energy solutions and helps them achieve their energy goals.

Join us in celebrating our commitment to a sustainable future. Contact us today to learn how we can help you unlock the transformative potential of solar power.

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